SIS Payment Info 2024: Dates, Amounts, and Who Qualifies

Residents of Saskatchewan can get help paying for simple things through several social assistance programs. People have been getting these benefits for decades, but they were recently given a new name: the SIS Program, which stands for “Social Income Support.”

This piece tells you everything you need to know about the program, including what it is, how it works, what it requires, and when you have to pay.

How the Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) Program Works

Participants in the Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) Program, which helps people and families who need money to meet their basic needs because of things they can’t control, can obtain this program.

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A caseworker partner looks at these “circumstances” once a month. Unemployed people, who have a low income, are disabled, or are sick can get help from this service.

Dates of 2024 Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) payments

People and families who participate in the SIS Program get different amounts of money depending on several factors. However, the times of payment are always the same. You can set up your account to get checks mailed to you at a certain time or give you a direct payment.

Here are the times when Saskatchewan pays out Income Support:

Payment Month for 2023Date Cheques are MailedDirect Deposit Date
JanuaryDecember 22December 28
FebruaryJanuary 25January 30
MarchFebruary 22February 27
AprilMarch 27March 30
MayApril 24April 27
JuneMay 25May 30
JulyJune 26June 29
AugustJuly 25July 28
SeptemberAugust 25August 30
OctoberSeptember 25September 28
NovemberOctober 26October 30
DecemberNovember 27November 29

What Good Things Can You Get From SIS?

The low-income benefits in Saskatchewan are broken down into several groups, each of which covers a different part of daily living costs.

People and families can get money through the SIS Program to help with their basic needs like housing, health care, and safety. The program also gives its recipients money to help them deal with their changing financial situations.

Amounts of SIS Benefits and Rules

SIS Payment Info 2024: Dates, Amounts, and Who Qualifies

This part talks about how much money SIS recipients get, as well as the rules and standards for getting Saskatchewan income support.

The Basic Benefits

The main benefits of the SIS Program cover regular costs besides housing. It includes things for the home, clothes, food, and trips. People who don’t live in the northern area get $345 a month.

Since it costs more to live in the northern area, you can expect to get more from the program. The benefit is $410 a month plus $65 for each child.

Benefits of Shelter

People and families who qualify can also get help with housing through the SIS Program. These benefits are given every month to help pay for things like rent, mortgage, property taxes, and utilities. The amount you get changes based on where you live and how much it costs to live in cities and rural places.

Let’s say that the winners live in Saskatoon or Regina. A single recipient gets $630 a month, and a couple without children under 18 gets $805 a month. $1,030 a month is given to families with one to two children, and $1,205 a month is given to families with three or more children.

You will get less if you don’t live in Regine or Saskatoon. Single recipients get $570 a month, and couples without children are given $695. A family with up to two kids gets $795 a month, and a family with three or more gets $895.

Pros for health and safety

The purpose of these benefits is to help people pay for things that are related to their health and safety. Like other benefits, this area is broken up into different parts, which are:

Other ways to heat your home: The amount that recipients get changes by location. For example, if you live in an area that doesn’t have natural gas, you would get $160 a month.

Health and safety in the home: Families and individuals who qualify can get up to $500 to repair things that were damaged by disasters or violence between people.

For people who need to follow a special diet because of a health problem, they get $50 to $150 a month instead of nothing.

Short-term emergency: This benefit doesn’t have a set amount because situations are different. A social support person looks at the situation and then decides how much of a benefit to give.

Stabilization benefit: This $150-a-month benefit is meant to help people who are having trouble keeping their stable home.

Travel benefit: This benefit pays for the person to get medical care outside of the country. The amount is based on how much the receiver had to pay for things like meals, lodging, and gas.

Change in the Situation

This part of the SIS Program is meant to help people whose situations change deal with them. Like the other benefits we’ve talked about, this one is broken down into different sections based on the case. For example:

Childcare benefit: This $30-a-day benefit helps people who are receiving it pay for short-term childcare costs while they look for work.

Benefit for children: An extra $400 is given to a parent who is not qualified for the Canada Child Benefit.
Employment and training: This benefit gives $140 to help people start a new job or go to a new training program.

What Is the Funeral Benefit? This Benefit Pays for The Funeral Services.

Beneficiaries can get $200 or $300 to help with moving costs when they have to move because of a divorce, an emergency, medical needs, or a new job.

Benefits for Security: Beneficiaries get this benefit to help them pay the damage deposit on their home. The way the heirs’ shelter benefits are calculated is also used to figure out their security benefits.

Benefits for travelers: People who need to travel for a job interview, a new job, or a training program can get benefits for traveling. The amount is figured out by adding up the recipient’s gas, food, and housing costs.

SIS Requirements for Eligibility

You must meet the following requirements to be able to get help from this social program:

  • People who are citizens of Canada, permanent residents, or refugees
  • It helps people and families who have little or no cash.
  • More than 18 years old
  • People who live in Saskatchewan
  • People who have tried everything else but luck to make money but still can’t

The SIS Program is meant to be the last option so that the benefits are only given to people who need them. To speed up the process of getting accepted, write down everything you do as you apply to the school.

How to Get Income Support in Saskatchewan

The process for applying for Saskatchewan Income Support is easy, and you can do it over the phone or online. To speed up the process, bring the following with you:

  • Having a bank account that works in your name
  • Form for authorizing direct transfer that is filled out
  • Details about the people living in your home, such as their SIN and Saskatchewan Health Services Number (HSN)
  • papers about houses, cars, and business tools
  • Evidence of where you live, like a mortgage or lease agreement
  • Details about pay and the paperwork that goes with it
  • Details about other perks you’re getting right now
  • Details about other types of money, such as savings, stocks, and cash on hand
  • The Saskatchewan Health Services (HSN) number and the Social Insurance Number (SIN) were given.

From the time you send in your application, you’ll have 30 days to give this information. If you are applying as a couple, you must fill out the application together.

Is SIS Going Up in 2023?

Because $11.4 million has been put into the Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) program, the answer is yes. Because the budget went up, people who get basic benefits will get $30 a month and people who get shelter benefits will get $25 a month.

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Know-how is Power

In case you want to apply for the SIS Program but don’t know how to begin, this piece will help you. How easy it is to meet the requirements will depend on how much you know about the tool.


1. How much does Saskatchewan’s income aid cost?

The amount is based on several things. For example, people who live in the Northern Administration District can get $410 and $65 for each child, while people who live outside of the Northern Administration District can get $345. Different amounts of housing benefits and health and safety benefits come with the income help.

2. Can I work while I’m on SIS?

Yes, you can still get help with money even if you work and don’t make enough to meet your basic wants.

3. What does a low income mean in Saskatchewan?

Low-income families have an adjusted family net income of less than $74,446 a year. Federal and local programs usually give the most money to people who make less than $35,902 a year.

4. Who can get help with their income in Canada?

There are times when you might be able to get income support: you’re waiting for other means of income to come in, you’re unemployed or not making enough to meet your basic needs, or you can’t work at all.

5. How much does AISH cost in Saskatchewan?

AISH gives people a normal living allowance of up to $1,787 a month. The most that people who get the modified living income can get is $342.

6. When will SAID benefits be paid in 2023?

Payment dates for Saskatchewan Income Support rely on how your account is set up. If you choose to be paid by check, the money is generally put into your account the last week of the month. As an example, on January 25, 2023, a check for February 2023 will be mailed to you. On January 30, 2023, it will be put into your account.

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