Minimum Wage UK: What Is the Uk’s Current Minimum Wage, and How Much Will It Go up In 2024?

Read this post to learn more about Minimum Wage UK: What is the Current UK Minimum Wage and How Much Will It Go Up in 2024? Different information about the UK minimum wage: what is the current wage and how much will it go up in 2024? and other useful information is in this text.

Lowest Pay in The UK

The UK minimum wage is the least amount of money that a boss can pay their workers. When people work in the UK, the minimum wage rate changes based on their age and whether they are full-time or trainees.

In a news release posted on the official website of the UK Government on November 21, the government told people about the new minimum wage rates. For about three million workers in 2024, the government has raised wages by a large amount.

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Minimum Wage UK: A Quick Look

NameMinimum Wage
TypeHourly Rate
Applicable fromApril 1, 2024 – March 31, 2024
National Minimum Wage£10.42 per hour

What Is the Minimum Wage in The UK Right Now?

In the UK in 2024, the minimum wage for people over the age of 23 is £10.42 an hour. People between the ages of 21 and 22 are paid at least £10.18 an hour.

At the moment, the minimum pay for people 18 to 20 years old is £7.49 an hour. For people younger than 18, the hourly rate is £5.28.

Age/Apprentice  April 2024 – March 2024April 2022 – March 2024April 2021 – March 2022
23 and over£10.42 per hour£9.50 per hour£8.91 per hour
between 21 and 22£10.18 per hour£9.18 per hour£8.36 per hour
between 18 and 20£7.49 per hour£6.83 per hour£6.56 per hour
below 18£5.28 per hour£4.81 per hour£4.62 per hour
Apprentice£5.28 per hour£4.81 per hour£4.30 per hour

They must be at least 19 years old to be a trainee, but they must be paid at least £5.28 a day. If any of these things happen, apprentices will be paid extra:

  • They are under 19 years old, in their first year of an apprenticeship, or 19 years or older.

In this case, an intern who is 21 years old and in their first year of work will be entitled to the minimum wage of £5.28 per hour.

No matter how old they are, apprentices will be paid the national minimum wage if

  • are at least 19 years old and finished the first year of their apprenticeship
Minimum Wage UK: What Is the Uk's Current Minimum Wage, and How Much Will It Go up In 2024?

In this case, a student who is 21 years old and has finished the first year of their apprenticeship will be entitled to £10.18 per hour as minimum wage. The minimum pay, on the other hand, will be £10.42 an hour for people who are 25 years old and have finished the first year of their apprenticeship.

The UK minimum wage changes every year on April 1. The present minimum wage rates will be used from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024.

The following things must be true for someone to get the minimum wage:

  • To get the national minimum wage, you should be at least 23 years old and have graduated from high school. For people younger than 22, the wage rate is different.

How Much Do You Think the Minimum Wage Will Go Up In 2024?

The recent budget raised the minimum wage that workers will have to pay in 2024. From April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025, the new rates will be in effect.

The National Minimum Wage is what the government says workers aged 21 and up will get. People between the ages of 21 and 22 are paid less than people over the age of 23 right now. In 2024, though, this will be different.

Age/ApprenticeMinimum Wage Rate
21 or over£11.44 per hour
between 18 and 20£8.60  per hour
below 18£6.40 per hour
apprentice£6.40 per hour

This means that from April 2024 on, workers aged 21 and up will get paid £11.44 an hour. People between the ages of 18 and 20 will get £8.60 an hour per job. On the other hand, trainees and workers younger than 18 will get £6.40 an hour.

The UK Government’s website has more information about the changes that will be made to the minimum wage in 2024.

Find the Minimum Wage

The UK Government’s website has a minimum wage tool that people can use to find out if they are eligible for the national minimum wage and to get an idea of how much they can get based on their age and type of work.

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You can use the tool to find out if –

  • This person is getting the national minimum wage.
  • A person is getting the national living wage, but their boss still owes them money from when they weren’t paid enough.

A poll is used by the calculator to find out what a person wants to check. Once the calculator is turned on, the user must choose one of two choices to move forward. More personalized questions will show up based on the choices you make. These questions can be used to find the minimum pay.

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