CRA’s Phone Number: What’s the Best Way to Call CRA? All the Information You Need

This page has all the information you need about the CRA Contact Number. This post talks about how to contact the CRA, the different ways to do so, what to do and not to do when calling the CRA, and other useful information.

CRA Phone Number

For the benefit of the federal government, the Canada Revenue Agency is in charge of enforcing tax laws and rules and making sure they are followed. When you file your taxes, being able to talk to the CRA clearly can be very important. In short, you should talk to the government group about anything that has to do with taxes and for which the CRA is the main authority.

There are a few different ways to get in touch with the government body, which we’ll talk about below. However, the best way is still to call their number. One reason is that you can talk to them directly on the phone, which ensures good communication and helps you fix your problem. That’s why we’ve put together this list of CRA phone numbers and told you what to do and not to do when you call.

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Get in Touch with CRA

Most people can file their taxes and make payments from the comfort of their own homes without having to wait for a customer service worker to answer their call. This is possible because the CRA’s online services are simple, easy to use, and safe. The CRA gives its people four ways to get in touch:

  • Web-based services
  • Send an email
  • Call the number
  • Appointment in Person

We’ll tell you that calling CRA on the phone is the best way to get in touch with them. Let’s talk about it more.

How Do I Get in Touch with CRA?

Please call the Canada Revenue Services toll-free number 1-800-959-8281 if you need help with a complicated matter or just want to talk to a customer service rep. In your area, you can use this phone service from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday.

CRA's Phone Number: What's the Best Way to Call CRA? All the Information You Need

Make sure you have your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and tax information ready before calling the CRA. This will help you get the best service possible. You should know that there might be a wait. When calling the CRA, it’s best to do so outside of busy times. The following is a list of the documents and information you must have before calling CRA.

List of CRA Phone Numbers

Queries/TopicsContact Number 
Assist with My Business Account and Act as a Client’s Advocate.1-800-959-5525
Payroll deductions and accounts.1-800-959-5525
Update business information1-800-959-5525
Talk about a repayment plan for a payroll tax liability.1-877-548-6016
Talk about a repayment plan for a company’s income tax liability.1-866-291-6346
For payroll, report a nil remittance.1-800-959-2256
Talk about a nil remittance for non-resident withholding tax.1-866-971-4644
For Creating a business account and any necessary program accounts, such as the GST/HST account.1-800-959-5525
For assistance in filing T2 corporation income tax return electronically.1-800-959-2803

What Information Should You Have Ready When You Call the CRA?

No one likes having to wait for a call. When you call a busy number, you should remember that the person you called shouldn’t have to wait because of you. So, before you call CRA, you should make sure you have all the papers and information you need about your questions. These ideas might help you with this.

Phone number (BN) for the business

  • The number for social insurance (SIN).
  • Your first full name
  • The full formal name of the business. (If it makes sense)
  • Number to call.
  • Full address for mail.
  • Specifics of the question, like the most recent tax return, letter of assessment, or other tax records.

How to Tell if The People You’re Talking to Are from The CRA or Thieves?

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1. Payment dates for Canada FPT
2. Disability and Old Age Security Payment Dates for March 2024
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Canadians should always be on the lookout for scams when they deal with the CRA. Since scammers often pretend to be CRA employees, it’s important to know how the CRA normally talks to people and how you can be sure they are who they say they are before giving them any personal information:

  • If you talk to a real CRA worker, they will usually give you their name and phone number so you can call them back. Ask for their name, tag number, and office if you aren’t sure if the call is real. After that, you can call the CRA directly to make sure this information is correct.
  • Important information is never sent by email by the CRA. Do not email or text anyone who says they work for the CRA with personal or financial details.
  • CRA does use automatic calls for some things, but they will never ask for your personal or financial information.
  • No matter what store (iTunes, Amazon, etc.), the CRA will never ask for quick payment by Interac e-transfer, Bitcoin, Prepaid credit cards, or Gift Cards.
  • The CRA will never contact you through text messages, WhatsApp, or other instant messaging apps.
  • The CRA does not send emails or texts with a link to your return.
  • Anyone who says they are a CRA agent but talks badly to you threatens to arrest you, or asks for your personal and financial information is not a CRA agent.
  • A CRA employee will never meet with you in public to get money from you.

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